Tuesday, August 31, 2010

20 rules for an Entrepreneur

1. It’s rare when someone is their word; treasure it in others, cultivate it in yourself

2. Call AND email – the squeaky wheel does get the grease

3. Hold yourself to a standard of behavior and business

4. Pay attention to detail

5. It truly is win/win – don’t work with folks who think about it any other way

6. Focus

7. Don’t bang your head against the wall – go with what works, but that doesn’t mean you don’t continue to innovate

8. Be kind but firm

9. Adopt the Cindy Crawford motto and never point out your flaws but do admit to your mistakes

10. FEAR: False Expectations Appearing Real

11. You always have a choice

12. People will fight you on everything – stick to your guns

13. Perception is reality - you’re always creating an impression

14. Everything is a negotiation, even if you don’t think it is

15. People hear what they want to and usually only remember the negative

16. Generosity looks good on

17. Have the difficult conversations – they’re always worth it

18. It goes by fast and your health is the most important thing - take care of it/make it a priority

19. Those old business axioms are true, e.g., take time to hire and be fast to fire

20. The path to hell really is paved with good intentions

Taken from 20 Things I've Learned as an Entrepreneur

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your comment! You have a pretty interesting blog, it's a pity you stopped writing. Take care :)
